From Goldman Sachs to JPMorgan and Citigroup, Wall Street bigwigs are blaming the Federal Reserve for its lack of ...
The political crisis in South Korea has caused Seoul to collapse and the won to plummet. In Europe, the stock markets are ...
Of ancient tradition, dating back to 1600, the Traditional Mostarda of Cremona, traditionally linked to meats and cheeses, is increasingly the protagonist of gourmet preparations.
Donatella Versace, creative director of Medusa, will have her contract expire in February but, according to press rumors, she ...
The Italian Stock Exchange regains momentum and is the pink jersey in Europe. Stellantis stands out. The price of oil is ...
Osamu Suzuki, the longtime former president and CEO of Suzuki Motor Corporation, has died at the age of 94. Under his ...
12 2024 Abschied von Osamu Suzuki: dem Pionier, der den historischen japanischen Konzern in einen globalen Automobilgiganten verwandelte Vor 4 Sekunden Mailand verbietet das Rauchen im Freien: Das ...
The 2025 winter sales will start on January 4th in many Italian regions, with the exception of the Province of Bolzano, where they will start on January 8th. Beware of scams, especially online, where ...
12 2024 Milan bans smoking outdoors: here's what's changing from January 2025, XNUMX 8 seconds ago Spada (Assolombarda): “A pragmatic industrial policy is urgently needed for the future of Europe and ...
Dal 1° gennaio 2025, a Milano entrerà in vigore una nuova restrizione al fumo. A partire da questa data, in tutto il comune del capoluogo milanese sarà vietato fumare all’aperto in tutte le aree ...
イタリア証券取引所は勢いを取り戻し、ヨーロッパのピンクジャージーとなった。ステランティスが目立ちます。原油価格は回復しており、70バレルあたりXNUMXドルを超えている。プーチン大統領の言葉でガスが上がる。ウォール街とナスダックは赤字スタート ...
La Borsa italiana ritrova slancio ed è la maglia rosa in Europa. Svetta Stellantis. In ripresa il prezzo del petrolio che ...