Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to engage customers and drive sales for ecommerce stores. In fact, nearly 80% of marketers consider it to be one of their top three most effective ...
“Glück ist das Einzige, was sich verdoppelt, wenn man es teilt” – kennt ihr dieses Zitat von Albert Schweitzer? Ich möchte Herrn Schweitzers Aussage nicht in Zweifel ziehen, hätte aber eine Anmerkung: ...
After rolling out an email marketing campaign, a time will come when you need to analyze its performance and present your findings to others. When that happens, you’ll need to create an email ...
Imagine the possibilities of having more time to strategize, create, and connect with your audience, all while your automated systems work tirelessly in the background. We’ll show you step-by-step how ...
This Agreement constitutes an integral part of an agreement between GetResponse Inc., a Delaware corporation with principal office at 3 Germay Dr Ste,5 PMB 15672,Wilmington, DE 19804, hereinafter: ...