"A worthy sequel to its predecessor, 'Beyond Citadel' brings the same graphic 80s cyberpunk anime aesthetic and boomer shooter gameplay while improving it in every way," Steam user DrHenwig said in a ...
This "Civilization VI" Pantheon gives you a 25% Production increase toward Ancient and Classical military units. This is a ...
New changes to League of Legends could mean that players will have to spend more than 800 hours to get new champions.
A new patch for Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition comes thanks to the help of unpaid software engineers from the community.
If the information turns out to be accurate, then fans can assume that the "Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion" remake will come out sometime this year. While the game's blocking system will not make the title ...
Legendary video game creator Hideo Kojima talked about crunch time and wondered how long he can still stay creative.
Elon Musk is facing backlash after gamers and streamers accuse him of account-sharing to fake gaming prowess in "Path of Exile 2." ...