« Aujourd’hui, nous marquons la Journée de l’affaire "personne", un jalon important pour les droits des femmes et leur ...
Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a fait aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante à l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour ...
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the International Day for the Eradication of ...
Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a annoncé aujourd’hui la nomination de l’honorable Mary J. L. Gleason, juge de la Cour ...
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the appointment of the Honourable Ronald A. Skolrood, a judge of the ...
Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a annoncé aujourd’hui la nomination de l’honorable Ronald A. Skolrood, juge de la Cour ...
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the ongoing investigation on violent criminal activity linked to the Government of India: ...
Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a fait aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante concernant l’enquête en cours sur les activités ...
The Honourable Mary J. L. Gleason was appointed to the Federal Court in 2011, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada in 2013, and the Federal Court of Appeal in 2015. Chief Justice Gleason is ...
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the following changes in the senior ranks of the public service: Christiane (Chris) Fox, currently Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council and Associate ...
The Honourable Ronald A. Skolrood was appointed to the Supreme Court of British Columbia in 2013 and to the Court of Appeal for British Columbia in 2022. Prior to his appointment to the Bench, Chief ...