A whale-watching boat captain in Monterey, Calif., captured footage of a "super pod" consisting of over 2,000 dolphins ...
More than 2,000 Northern right whale dolphins, Pacific white-sided dolphins, and light grey baby calves were spotted by a private boat tour company captain and his survey team. The vision of them ...
Consisting of dozens of dolphin pods, scientists have few sophisticated answers as to why pods come together to form these superpods.
Monterey Bay, California played host to a superpod of dolphins. Monterey Bay, California, has an amazingly diverse marine ...
A proposed solar energy project in Logan County will not come to fruition. Open Road Renewables announced Friday that the Grange Solar Grazing Center will not be constructed as it is withdrawing its ...
The U.S. is home to 63 national parks, which are areas of land protected by the federal government. How many of these parks ...