7 Most Shocking & Disturbing Moments From “Crossed” (NSFW)
May 15, 2014 · The “Crossed” come up with some imaginative ways of torturing their victims, as readers have watched them rape, crucify, disembowel, and bludgeon people in every conceivable way.
What moment in any crossed comic that's going to be stuck with ... - Reddit
Jul 12, 2020 · - The Salt Circle is a guaranteed, unexpected scar fpr firstcomers. (Crossed) - Two protagonists watching the Crossed preparing their "special" bullets with binoculars.
Joel (Character) - Comic Vine
Joel had the crazy idea that the Crossed could be stopped by using salt. er... wasn't he DEAD? When the group was attacked by them, Amy broke his ankle and tried to give her daughter to Joel....
Joel/Crossed | Headhunter's Horror House Wiki | Fandom
Joel is a survivor and a supporting character featured in the Crossed line of comic book titles published by Avatar Press. He first appeared in in Crossed #1 in September, 2008. Joel was an adult Caucasian male with red hair and glasses, who appeared to be in …
What's the most fucked up scene from any Crossed comic?
Apr 30, 2022 · The Family Values kid was the result of batshit crazy cruelty, but the salt circle was an honest mistake coming from an arrogant but well-meaning man following a rumor. To me it seems more like something that could happen in an actual crisis like that, baseless conjecture leading to innocent deaths...
The Crapbox of Son Of Cthulhu: Crossed #1 - Blogger
Oct 30, 2019 · “The Crossed are people who – through infection – have given in to the absolute worst instincts that human beings can: murder, rape, torture, cannibalism, all of the most cruel and inventive kind imaginable. They are out of control, really.
10 Disgusting Comic Book Moments That Made Us Feel Sick
Jul 4, 2014 · While on the run, a family are discovered by a group of the Crossed. Husband Joel has a bizarre notion that the infected can be stopped by salt, so he pours a circle around himself, his wife...
Beauregard Salt | Villains Wiki - Fandom
Beauregard Leander Salt, also known as the Phonebook Killer, is the overarching antagonist of the horror post-apocalyptic comic series Crossed. Before C-day, he was a serial killer and cannibal who had a very destructive view of the world.
I just read the most disturbing comic ever and I don't know
I'd strongly suggest you read Simon Spurrier's take on the Crossed world in Crossed: Wish You Were Here. I hear the rest of the series is pretty trashy, but Wish You Were Here was even better than the first arc.
The Crossed - Villains Wiki
The Crossed are the titular main antagonists of the comic book series of the same name. They get their namesake from the cross-shaped rash on their faces. They were once humans, but were infected by the mysterious C-Virus, which stripped them …