(solved) trouble installing FE Awakening DLC - Fire Emblem: …
Apr 5, 2020 · i'm using citra emulator to play FE Awakening on PC. In Citra. I select "Install CIA", then chose FE Awakening USA DLC file, wait it to complete. then restart the game and install CIA many times after that, but not seem to work...
DLC Access after the eshop's Closing - Serenes Forest Forums
Jan 28, 2023 · I'd also like to know. I am assuming that already purchased DLC that has been downloaded will remain accessible without an Internet or eShop connection. If the DLC is deleted from local storage, though, I'm not sure how re-downloading will work after the eShop closes. As for me, I missed the boat on DLC for Awakening. Although the eShop is ...
What DLC is worth getting for Awakening? - Fire Emblem: …
Nov 29, 2018 · Whats the difference between DLC Marth and the regular in game masked Marth in Fire Emblem Awakening anyway? there's many versions of Marth in Awakening, from main story to DLCs, but the main differences are usually skills and base stats. let's just say that some are more suited as support units, others can be fine by themself.
DLC Conversation/Script Thread - Fire Emblem: Awakening
Feb 1, 2013 · Claims updated to Post 90! DLC Scripts: Season 1 Champions of Yore 1 - Completed Link to Script on SF's wiki page. Champions of Yore 2 - Script incoming! (Waiting for Walhart... and the main script). Link to Script on SF's wiki page. Credits: Ace Tactician, Fayt Champions of Yore 3 - Script Incom...
Best (DLC) maps for DLC Grinding - Fire Emblem: Awakening
Oct 16, 2013 · Since I have started the grind for Apotheosis (The Strongest Ones Name) I have needed to do quite a bit of grinding/reclassing/weapon training. This topic serves as (my opnion) for the best maps for doing grinding and weapon training. All of these maps will be DLC. I am doing all of this on Lunat...
Best DLC maps?/Which maps are worth it? - Fire Emblem: …
Jul 8, 2013 · So, I'm currently deciding which dlc maps to get. I calculated everything and damn if I want to get them all that would be pretty pricey, like 47 something dollars pricey, which is more than the price of the game itself. Scramble pack is something that I …
Fire Emblem: Awakening - Serenes Forest Forums
Jan 20, 2013 · Fire Emblem Awakening DLC Problem in Citra MMJ By Smith, December 14, 2023 ...
Does anyone know what folder Awakening's DLC is stored? - Fire …
Jun 1, 2015 · I have a friend who wants to borrow my sister's copy of Awakening and wants to try the DLC with it, alone on the SD card by itself without anything else we have on ours. I know it's stored in a folder in the SD card, as removing it grants access to Outrealm Classes and Outrealm Skills, but I'm not sure of which folder it's in.
Grinding in Lunatic/Lunatic+ without DLC - Fire Emblem: …
Oct 7, 2013 · If I ever get brave enough to grind without DLC, this method will definitely come in handy...But the maps I see you take on are just beyond me (I'm playing lunatic mode, chapter 13 at the moment and have yet to take on any of the Risen pop up maps since the beginning of the game) :(! *sighs* Of course, leave it to Shadowofchaos to bulldoze through every challenge FEA's Lunatic + mode throws ...
DLC Problem - Fire Emblem: Awakening - Serenes Forest Forums
Mar 28, 2013 · Okay, I've got a weird problem here with the DLC that kind of worries me. I went and bought Ephraim's, but I noticed something wasn't right while I did so. Lost Bloodlines 2 is missing from the list, but LB1 and LB3 are there along with the rest of the available maps. I could've sworn I had seen ...